Ugh. Nothing like getting half way through writing a post and having your browser freeze...NOOOOO! (I actually yelled that, sorry neighbors. I'm fine.) So....lets try this again.
This is the quilt that nearly did me in. I made it for my wonderful son Logan for his 6th birthday. It took me 3 months which I was fine with. I knew it would take me a while to do, that's why I started so far in advance. Plenty of time, right? I wanted it to be perfect so while I didn't stress about time(at that time anyway) I did stress about lines not sewn perfect. I got over it, eventually.
I "flew" through the quilt. All was going well. I hand embroidered glow in the dark stars all over the quilt(sore fingers!!). And then I was introduced to binding. You know, that innocent looking strip of fabric around the quilt? Yeah, It's evil.
Picture it: The night before Logans birthday. One sleep deprived mom at 11ish at night. The strips are all cut and sewn into one long strip. Every tutorial about how to sew binding on a quilt has been watched via youtube. I'm thinking "I got this, I have totally got this". I was totally wrong. I had a hard time figuring out what kind of stitch to use, I tried a top stitch(just the regular stitch) that didn't work so I ended up using a very tight zig-zag stitch. Again I think "I got this". I was wrong again. I'm on a roll when I run out of the thread I'm using, no big deal. That's why I bought 2 spools of that color. Hmm, I look in my sewing box(ha I won't lie it's really a tackle box for fishing), it's not there. I look in the Jo-ann Fabric bag, It's not there. I look on the floor, it's not there. Me out loud to furniture(my only company): "Where the freaking crap is my thread!?". I give up and use a multi color thread that matches to. So half of the binding is sewn on in solid blue and half is in a multi blue. Awesome. I wanted to cry. I'm actually not 100% sure that I didn't have a tear or two slip out. I finished somewhere in wee hours of the morning. Well there was one problem but I left it and fixed it about a week later as it wasn't something that was a huge deal. It was a little bit of the binding that I didn't catch both sides with the stitch. Easy fix.
I gave the quilt to Logan and he loved it! All the insanity of the night and past 3 months were worth it.
It took me almost a year to get my sewing machine out again. Seriously. After that quilt I wasn't sure I would ever sew again. When I did get it out it was to make a Window seat pillow with leftover fabric that matched the quilt. Logan was thrilled, again making all the work worth it.
P.S. I found the other spool of thread under the table:
^ I couldn't see it while I was standing at any angle. I was sitting on the couch the next day and looked over. That spool sat there mocking me...No, really I could hear it.
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